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User Management System

Creating group

First you need to login into Perun system. Perun system

After logging in you need to choose Access management (1) in the left menu. Then you can insert the name of your VO (2) or you can straight click on your VO (3) in the list below.


In the detail of your VO, you need to click on the Groups (1) tile.


Then in the following page, you need to click on the Create… (1) button.


The next step is to fill in the Name and Description field.


In the end, you can click on the Create (1) button.


Assigning object storage resources

Object storage resources
After creating the group, please inform us as we need to assign resources to it.

Filling the group with users

Under construction…


All changes made in the Perun system will be active in one hour. Thus executed changes are not immediate!!!.

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